Amount of the loan:
Monthly payment:
Total payment:
Total interest payments:



Members of the ASEFCU are all employees and immediate family members of the Akron Central School District, Village of Akron and Town of Newstead. You must maintain a $5.00 balance to keep your account open.





Advantages of your ASEFCU are:

  • Monthly loan payments can be automatically transferred from your share account
  • All ASEFCU loan payments and savings clubs can be setup through payroll deduction with your employer.
  • Courteous, efficient and confidential service is always a standard of the ASEFCU








Our mission is to provide personal financial services of a superior quality to the members; our chief concern being their financial well-being. We will use automation and technology to support a highly trained group of volunteers and staff.



Professional managers will be accountable for the quality of service and will be given sufficient flexibility in implementing policy to ensure that the member perceives the highest degree of excellence in every contact.



Professional marketing will provide aggressive programs to sustain and increase growth. We will seek our growth both from new members and by serving the financial needs of present members in a more complete manner. We will not sacrifice quality of present services to seek growth.



In order to provide quality member services, the credit union must remain financially sound and secure. Adequate operating controls, capital reserves and liquidity will be maintained at all times.



We will be sales oriented in our approach to members, but traditional credit union philosophy will remain our guiding principle. Among financial institutions, this credit union is a unique organization with deep and abiding human values. Our goal is to maintain those qualities.